Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

It's that time of year again, people.
The time to give and to receive.
But mostly give.

This Christmas season, I've gotten a lot of surprises.
Really... I mean. Last Christmas was great and everything... I got a laptop, my then boyfriend gave me a promise ring...
But the thing about Christmas is that it's only one day out of the year.
And things change.
My fiance (we were engaged this summer) and I broke up in a really final, rough way... and then one of my best friends died. And then my grades started to suffer... I got kinda sad, I got sick, I'm visiting the chiropractor for back pain, and I'm searching for a new job because I feel like I need more work.

But things have really started to brighten up, the closer I get to Christmas and the New Year. I have so many things to be thankful for.

I am currently dating a very nice boy I met in college, taking things slow. I keep finding inspiration for writing all around me. I feel like I'm going to be able to keep this blog updated more often than I did before. So many good things are happening...

In the ups and downs of life, I have to remember all the good things I have.
Good family
Good friend.
Decent job.
Good school.
Good grades...
Yeah. I'd really have to say that I'm doing all right.

And of course, we must never forget the real reason for the season.
The man upstairs. The one, the only, Jesus.
Born of a virgin, lying in a manger, completely and utterly vulnerable...
And he grew up to save us all!

Merry Christmas everyone and to all a good blogging year! :)

The bestie and I outside my house, Christmas Eve :)

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