Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stop ta-ta-talkin' that...

Christmas is over...

I've had my fill of many many cups of coffee thanks to mytrusty little Keurig and I've started back working at the little gas station on the corner.

But in my boredom of winter break, I usually turn to something creative. Sometimes I play the guitar and sing, sometimes I draw or play around with photos.

But lately, I've been playing with my make-up. :)

The above picture is my most recent look, slightly inspired by Ke$ha with the glittery eyes and crimped hair.

I had a LOT of fun!


I really like creating make-up looks and I'm thinking it's something that I'll be doing for a long time to come.

Short blog tonight... more soon!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Of Christmas, Companions, and COFFEE

This post was brought to you by the letter C.

C is for Christmas
C is for Companions

I haven't expressed my love for coffee onto this blog. Well, blog or not, Santa knows of my one true love. And look what he put under the tree for Megan this year!

Ah, yes! The Keurig Elite B40! It makes one cup of coffee in these cute little pods and they're all different flavors and you can get tea and hot chocolate and cider (bleh...it's just warm apple juice, people) !

I also received something very inspiring to me, a bracelet for Esther Earl, a fellow Nerdfighter who lost her battle with cancer back in August.

The bracelet reads "This star won't go out". Buying one of these epic green bracelets goes to help children with cancer, just like Esther. The bracelets are currently sold out at DFTBA.com but you can go here to read Esther's story. And if you would like to be updated on This Star Won't Go Out don't forget to "like" them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter :)

Also, if you are wondering what a Nerdfighter is, you should go here and here ;)

And as my family has done for a couple years now, we went to eat Chinese for lunch!

And then I got to go see a pretty cool movie with a really cool guy :)

Who then proceeded to try and eat my face x3

He's a good kid, I promise. He even got me a pretty turquoise cross necklace and a black bunny rabbit we named "Peter".

OH! I also got SOCKS

From the bestie, Emmie :)

Oh, and to end the blog, my little sister got what she always wanted.

A Nintendo DSi... nerd. :P

Peace out, homies!

<3 - Meggy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

It's that time of year again, people.
The time to give and to receive.
But mostly give.

This Christmas season, I've gotten a lot of surprises.
Really... I mean. Last Christmas was great and everything... I got a laptop, my then boyfriend gave me a promise ring...
But the thing about Christmas is that it's only one day out of the year.
And things change.
My fiance (we were engaged this summer) and I broke up in a really final, rough way... and then one of my best friends died. And then my grades started to suffer... I got kinda sad, I got sick, I'm visiting the chiropractor for back pain, and I'm searching for a new job because I feel like I need more work.

But things have really started to brighten up, the closer I get to Christmas and the New Year. I have so many things to be thankful for.

I am currently dating a very nice boy I met in college, taking things slow. I keep finding inspiration for writing all around me. I feel like I'm going to be able to keep this blog updated more often than I did before. So many good things are happening...

In the ups and downs of life, I have to remember all the good things I have.
Good family
Good friend.
Decent job.
Good school.
Good grades...
Yeah. I'd really have to say that I'm doing all right.

And of course, we must never forget the real reason for the season.
The man upstairs. The one, the only, Jesus.
Born of a virgin, lying in a manger, completely and utterly vulnerable...
And he grew up to save us all!

Merry Christmas everyone and to all a good blogging year! :)

The bestie and I outside my house, Christmas Eve :)


Out with the old;
In with the new.
Or something like that...

You know what they say;
If at first you don't succeed,
blog, blog again.
Or until someone starts to listen.

So, were trying this again. I learned a lot at this blogging seminar they had at my college media convention this fall. And now...
Megan Hammond, student. A girl barely sane. Gentlemen, I can rebuild her blog. I have the technology. I have the capability to build the world's next random blog! Megan Hammond will write that blog! Better than it was before. Better, funnier, updated... (whoever guesses what show I stole that from, gets a cookie)

Anywaaays, I told a bunch of my friends that I was going to follow in my father's footsteps and take one photo every day for a year. Furthermore, I intend to blog about it! EVERY DAY.

Hopefully... I don't lose track. :/

If you would like to be notified when I put up a new photo and post, add me on Facebook at Megan Elizabeth Hammond or follow me on Twitter @Mehfly :D

So... there you have it.

Oh... and a picture for you.