Monday, August 24, 2009

Wipe that frown off your face and let's get ready for school!

Now, let me explain something to you carefully...
enjoy school.
I am a nerd.
I've always enjoyed school! Ever since kindergarten. In fact, I used to feel cheated because my parents never sent me to preschool like all the other kids!
I love school. I love the social experience and I love doing the work (okay, except math, but hey. Nothing's perfect...)
But I also enjoy sleeping.
I went to sleep at a reasonable time last night! However, I was not in the mood to wake up when my alarm clock chimed promptly at 6 AM. So, I turned it off.
Then I was awoken at 7:12 AM by my little sister
Gracie pushing my legs going "...sissy...sissy? Sissy, Mommy said it's time to wake up."

And from there I quickly took a shower, put on makeup, clothes, jewelry, put books in bag, had half a brownie for breakfast and whisked Connor and Gracie out the door, almost forgetting my lunch in the process.

That, my dears, is what I hate about the school year; waking up late.
And drama queens.
And horrible teachers...

And from eight-fifteen am this year to one pm, will be monotony...
Or at least... mostly monotony.
With some sprinkles x3


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