Monday, August 24, 2009

Wipe that frown off your face and let's get ready for school!

Now, let me explain something to you carefully...
enjoy school.
I am a nerd.
I've always enjoyed school! Ever since kindergarten. In fact, I used to feel cheated because my parents never sent me to preschool like all the other kids!
I love school. I love the social experience and I love doing the work (okay, except math, but hey. Nothing's perfect...)
But I also enjoy sleeping.
I went to sleep at a reasonable time last night! However, I was not in the mood to wake up when my alarm clock chimed promptly at 6 AM. So, I turned it off.
Then I was awoken at 7:12 AM by my little sister
Gracie pushing my legs going "...sissy...sissy? Sissy, Mommy said it's time to wake up."

And from there I quickly took a shower, put on makeup, clothes, jewelry, put books in bag, had half a brownie for breakfast and whisked Connor and Gracie out the door, almost forgetting my lunch in the process.

That, my dears, is what I hate about the school year; waking up late.
And drama queens.
And horrible teachers...

And from eight-fifteen am this year to one pm, will be monotony...
Or at least... mostly monotony.
With some sprinkles x3


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun in the Burgh

So, in my last post, I briefly described my experience for my second trip in my entire life to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I will now recount my journey.
Pittsburgh is BEAUTIFUL by the way.
I took this from the Dusquene Incline last year.

The first day of my trip this year though, I just kind of hung out at their house, trying to recover from the lack of sleep.

But the second day we went shopping at the mall and had lots of fun!
Sorry, Jeb. Skully has stolen my heart.

I got a bunch of cute stuff and Deva and I had a picnic outside the mall where people driving by would stare at us...
I was very tired by the end of this day...
And of course, someone had to take a picture.

On Saturday, we went to the museum because a) I wanted to go back (I never seem to get enough culture in Illinois. We're just too...farmy) and b) Deva wanted to meet an old friend, Enoch, from her homeschooling program before he went to college in New York. I was able meet Enoch, his little sister Faith, and his mother. Deva's mother commented that it was interesting that I was able to meet them, since I was from the midwest, and they lived in the middle east.
Paul, Deva's neighbor, and her little brothers were also in the mix.
Back: Paul, Faith, Me, Enoch Front: Deva, Adam, Daniel, DavidAs you can see, Faith, Deva, and I got pretty close during our trip to the museum :D

But on Sunday, as I showed in the previous post I was the day I learned to make traditional Ukranian Cuisine.
Two of three dishes had cabbage in it.
It's amazing.

But on Monday I had to head home and...
well that's when all hell took over.

Speaking of which, my luggage still sits in an Indianapolis airport instead of in my room.


*sad face*

It's that time again folks. That time where I say good day, and good night.
May the force be with you and eat your peas,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Start of Monotony

So this is about how my week went starting last Monday (August 10th) to Today (August 18th).

Mon Aug. 10th - Get up early, work, eat, sleep.
Tues Aug. 11th - Get up early, work, eat, sleep.
Wed Aug. 12th - Get up early, work, eat, pack, sleep, pack, sleep.
Thurs Aug. 13th - Get up early, drive, eat, drive, plane, coffee, plane, Pittsburgh, Deva's, skettie, sleep.
Fri Aug. 14th - Get up, fatigued, Pittsburgh, mall,
Deva's, sleep.
Sat Aug. 15th - Get up, fatigued, Pittsburgh, Museum, Deva's, pork chops, Young Frankenstein, sleep.
Sun Aug. 16th - Get up, hyper, Halushki, Halupki, Pierogies,
eat, eat, STUFFED, play football, sleep.

Now, that was the easy part to pan out.

Mon. Aug. 17th...

I got up...
Got ready...
Got to the airport at about 2 pm, eastern standard time...
Checked in.
Paid for my baggage check.
Got a coffee.
Sat down.
And waited...
"Flight 1055 to Detroit in terminal D84, we're going to move you to D82!"
Oh great, we're moving!
Sat down.
"Passengers of flight 1055 to Detroit, I am sorry to inform you that the plane is delayed about ten minutes, which makes it about twenty minutes or so, but we'll get you on your way as fast as possible."
Oh, okay. I won't miss my flight.

It ended up that the flight was much more than twenty minutes late. The plane was scheduled to leave at 3:19 pm, EST. It left around... oh... I'd say a little after FOUR.
It was a pretty short flight.
But it didn't get me to Detroit on time to catch my 4:30 flight to Indianapolis.
So I went to rebook my flight with the self check in thing...
And I pressed all the right buttons, punched in all the right numbers.
And I waited...
The next flight to Indy I could get on would be at- Drumroll, please
7:10 AM EST on August 18th, 2009.

From there it was phonecalls and choking back sobs. Here I was, a minor, alone, quite possibly stuck in Detroit by myself, all. night.
But never fear. Daddy always has my back. (yes, I still call him "Daddy")
"If you can't get to Indy, ask if they can get you to Fort Wayne."
So I asked the very, very, very nice, helpful lady at the Delta Help Desk and she scheduled me a 7:20 PM EST flight to Fort Wayne, Indiana.
And I walked through the airport to my terminal when I realized something terrible....
And this is when the real tears came.
Where was my luggage?

It really wasn't a big deal, but the reason I was crying was because I felt so stupid that I hadn't asked about it when they rebooked me. I had just assumed it would get to Fort Wayne with me!
So I went to ANOTHER Delta Help Desk lady, in tears.
However this lady was also almost in tears, because of a big, burly, bandana wearing, crappy tattoo wearing motorcycle type of man, calling her stupid, and all sorts of other awful names because he had missed the same flight to Indy as I had.

I could have punched him in the face.
Well, maybe not "could have". But I wanted to.

He was a full grown man, fully capable of keeping a cool head and finding a way to correct the situation.
I was a 17 year old girl, flying alone for only the second time, crying only because I wasn't sure if I should have had them do something with my luggage.

"Look at this girl, she's scared of him too!" The lady said and I shook my head,
"No, I just need to figure out how to get my luggage. But he's being a butthead!"

I got all taken care of though, and figured out that if my luggage didn't make it to Fort Wayne with me, I could make a baggage claim there and they would. Get it to my house, as fast as they could.

So I got myself something to eat, finished a book on my flight to Fort Wayne, and sat there and waited until my Dad came to pick me up.

I probably should have been home around seven that night, but I got home at one AM Central Standard Time this morning.


And at 6:15 AM I woke up and got ready for my first day of school.