Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember, Remember...

Today, for me at least, is a normal day.
I have to go to school, do homework, then go see my boyfriend and do all the regular shenanigans that a teenager does on her Friday night (most likely cleaning and eating Taco Bell.)
But today is an important day and I didn't remember until I looked at my calendar.

It is September 11th.

Eight years ago today, a tragedy affected Americans so much that our leader organized a "War on Terror"

And I haven't seen so much as a sign that we were going to remember the Eleventh of September.

I just looked on yahoo, msn, and google for a sign and only on msn did I find something-
"9/11's Children Growing Up"

I figured Google would have an American looking "Google" sign when you'd get to the search engine, but it's just those usual rainbow colors, mocking me.

This just makes me more sure that we as Americans are getting a little bit less aware every day.

And if you don't believe me, is your refrigerator running?
